Critiquing BLEEDING IN BABYLON on Writer's Infusion
My appearance on Writer's Infusion,, an internet show where a team of critiquers discusses the first few pages of BLEEDING IN BABYLON.
Writer's Infusion is a unique opportunity for writers to submit a short portion of their work for comments in a constructive and supportive environment.
Susan Zall started Writer's Infusion to bring the experience of a writer's group to the writing community. The critiquers, all part of a writer's group in Walpole, Massachusetts, are friendly and welcoming, and I immediately felt at ease when I sat down with them. They recorded this video in a local library and we started talking as if we were having a coffee klatch.
Comments, especially from readers with no relation to the writer, are valuable for their impartial viewpoint. I found the critique useful and later made some changes to the pages I had submitted--part of the ongoing process of editing and polishing.